How can Content Marketing benefit your Business?

How can Content Marketing benefit your Business?

How can Content Marketing benefit your Business?

The customer buying behavior has changed with time and it continues to change. What your customer wants today is different in comparison to what they wanted 5 years ago. That means businesses should be aware of their customers’ behavior and adapt to the changes to market their product or service.

Since consumers are in control of the buying decisions, the traditional approach to marketing is becoming less and less effective. If consumers aren’t interested in seeing your ad, they will avoid it. The only way to get customer’s attention is by telling interesting stories, providing relevant and useful content marketing which helps them to solve their issues.

In the online world, content can be anything that communicates a message to your audience (blogs, videos, podcast). Marketing is impossible without great content marketing. Think about it.

The other areas of online marketing like Social media, Search engine optimization, Pay per click (PPC) advertising are around because of content. Social media is a great platform to communicate and distribute stories and information about your business. But in order to succeed in social media, you need to prioritize your content first. SEO has nothing to optimize for without great content. PPC is effective only due to great content marketing.

Content marketing is the use of content to help meet a marketing goal for your organization. According to the content marketing institute, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience  and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Content marketing should be your major strategy to true success in online marketing. Here are the reasons:

Brand Awareness

Businesses can use content as a tool for creating brand awareness. You can tell a story about yourself, what your company is about, what your brand represents and what sets you apart from others in your industry. Content marketing is all about creating content that answers what your customer is looking for and teaches other people about your company and product.

Red Bull is famous for using content, Red Bull TV, to improve its branding focusing on a large number of people who are interested in adventurous activities, sponsoring edge sports athletes, and setting apart from others in its industry.

Respect and admiration in the industry

Why did so many people admire the Harvard Business Review article? HBR articles produce valuable content about the most important ideas on management and strategy, attracting top-ranking executives and businessmen around the globe.

Well, your customer is always looking for trust and authenticity when they buy from you. Content marketing allows you to establish your business as a thought leader in the industry. The authority you gain from your customer transfer to your product or services.

Increase web traffic and customer conversion

According to research, content marketing generates over 3 times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less.

It is key to drive inbound traffic and sales. The purpose of creating content is to bring people to your website so that people find information about your company and your product/services. If you are creating content and engaging with your audience, this will narrow the distance between you and them, create trust and make it more likely they will purchase from you.

Improved SEO

Without content, there is nothing to optimize for the search engine. The best practices to improve your search ranking organically is by focusing on improving SEO content. The search engines prioritize websites that are constantly updated with fresh content.

Team Coordination

Content creation is teamwork. It gives you wonderful opportunities to work with other teams like design, SEO, social and community teams to create and promote content. This will help you come up with a great idea and build a connection with real people.

Over to you

Remember, content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Success in content marketing takes time and it doesn’t happen overnight. If you aren’t employing content marketing in 2018, you probably should think about that.

Lone Tree Nepal offers Content creation and distribution solutions for all types of businesses, big or small, a startup for maximizing the social networking and site visibility among clients. Content is the heart of what we do as marketers, creating compelling stories that resonate with our customers, clients and readers and engage with them. Contact us today for digital marketing consultation and how to get started.

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